Just sat down to look at today's mail and look what I found: A scare piece about the TrinityVote petitioners. Here's the first sentence, in case you didn't receive your very own mailer: "Voter Alert: Beware of Petitioners at Polling Locations!" Hey, the last I heard, there's no reason to fear the petitioners - I suspect they will take "no" for an answer if you don't want to sign their petition to put the Trinity toll road/super highway to a vote this fall. But, as the flyer so sagely points out, "Forcing a new vote on the Trinity Parkway will not only delay the best answer for relieving downtown traffic congenstion, it could potentially kill the whole development project" (the flyer's use of bold type, not mine). Well, anyway, this flyer didn't change my mind, although I do have to say that this is one more flyer about the Trinity Corridor project than I have ever received since I voted for the whole development back in 1998. I suppose, though, that in some quarters of Dallas, one piece of correspondence every nine years could be considered a great return on my vote to spend $248 million for some downtown parks...
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