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May 31, 2007


Rick Casner

I guess they could have done what Phil Romano of Il Mulino did to the DMN when they did not like the review they got - they sued.


Scott Parks

Looks like N9NE Group's vindictive behavior has finally gotten the best of them. Get this: one of their chefs assaulted a corporate officer in the kitchen presumably without provocation (it was rumored to be one of those "hate crime" thingies...). The chef got a bonus and kept his job. The guy who was assaulted was terminated and, last I heard, had brought legal action against N9NE Group for wrongful termination. And on top of all that, if you take a gander at the Secretary of State website, you will find that most of N9NE Group's operating entities are not in good standing. If they can't even afford the right to do business in Texas (one of the least costly places to operate in the whole country), what else can they not afford? Looks like they cannot afford to lose any more customers or mistreat any more employees, but they probably should have thought about that sooner. "Another one bites the dust..."

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