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May 30, 2007


Harley Jebens

So, basically, Wal-Mart not only drives small town local merchants out of business when it moves into an area, but now it's crushing large grocery store chains as well? And we're looking at a future where we can choose either Super Wal Market or a specialized Whole Foods type of store? Wonderful. Just wonderful. One wuick question, if anyone knows the answer - how are the supermarkets like Carnival that target a different (i.e. hispanic) clientelle doing? Do they face the same sort of pressures?

Jeff Siegel

Yep, that's more or less it. Wal-Mart is doing even more damage in other parts of the country like the South and East Coast. The Hispanic-focused chains like Fiesta and Minyard's/Carnival are apparently struggling (though both are private and don't release financial data). Another friend of mine, a Latin American scholar who travels extensively in Central and South America, says Hispanic shoppers in this country care just as much about price as Anglo shoppers do.


I work for minyards, and our current move right now is to get rid of all of the Minyards and Sack N saves, and make them huge carnival supermarkets. The carnival stores are beginning to boom as far as sales growth. They are going to use it as the engine for the company as soon as they get all of the minyards and sack n saves out of the way.

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