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Jun 27, 2007



You are right about those good Beckers. There's a fair amount of swill in this state but I don't think any of it comes from Becker. We bought both the fumé blanc and chenin blanc (plus other stuff) when we were at the winery last year. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the chenin blanc, fumé blanc, and a lovely grenache rosé called Provencal, among several, are only available directly from Becker itself. The viognier and many others are to be found locally. But the folks at the winery had a list of things that were only available there because of small production. if things have changed, I'd like to know where to get these particular wines in Dallas.

The chenin blanc is the perfect wine for your chicken salad (esp if you put nuts and apples or grapes in the salad) on a spring or summer picnic.

Jeff Siegel

I'm not quite as big a fan of Becker as you are, though the wines are certainly among the best in Texas. Having said that, I found the 2006 fume and 2006 chenin blanc to be exceptional. I am told that both are available locally.

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