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Jun 16, 2007



tis super tasty!

Bill Kennedy

Yup... absolutely a first rate place, and Shawn is a HOOT! We had yet another wonderful meal there this past Saturday. If they ever have lamb on the menu, do not hesitate to get it! And his wine list is eclectic, well thought out and well priced.

David Gonzalez

Speaking of eateries south of NW Hwy, did anyone notice the ad in the Biz Section of Dallas' Only Daily announcing that Scalini's was opening a location in the great wild north of Richardson? (well, 190 and Jupiter). It'll be nice to give the NE a taste of Lakewood, as long as nothing changes at our cool, funky location down here...


Matt Wood

re: Scalini's - Hurrah for free enterprise, I guess. I used to tell my 972 friends that I wouldn't eat at a restaurant from Dallas once it opened something north of 635. I had to give that once my beloved Snuffers and Campisi's "went north". I am all for making a buck, but do find it endearing when a restaurant or business finds itself satisfied to be the best that it can be in its singular location, its home.

Big Eryk P.

Ate there last week. This has to be THE BEST restaurant on the planet. Thanks for the tip! Definitely get the duck breast and the mac n cheese. The tall, skinny manager is funny.

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