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Jun 26, 2007



Interesting how this dig-deep journalism (and how much time did they spend on researching all the people gathering signatures) raises its head ever now and then. Now if they would just do some in-depth coverage of all the carpetbaggers and criminal behavior that has and will continue to affect the city (e.g., Ray Hunt; how about those Crow's; little junior Perot, usual suspects and then some...). I'm sure they will receive copious covereage in all their glory of their endless machinations (past, present, future)! It is kind of humorous that the mere hope of a referendum causes so much angst amongst our self-appointed overseers.

Michael Mosteller

Jeff, any update you can give on how the petition is doing? I really fear with the lack of voter turnout for the mayoral race that our little petition is not going to have the numbers.


where's the best place to go sign a petition?

Angela Hunt

You can still sign our petition TODAY until 9pm at the TrinityVote offices:

Turley Law Center
6440 Central Expressway
(Blue bldg on southeast corner of Central@University)
Suite 100

You can also drop off your petitions -- this is the last day to hand them in, so come on down.

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