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Jul 31, 2007


Rick Wamre

Newberg is the ultimate Rangers fan, and that's what makes reading his blog and newsletters so much fun. As we all know, players come and go, but as Newberg points out in his blog today concerning the Tex trade, the fans are never traded, can't take free agency and never really retire — if you like baseball, and you live in Dallas, you pretty much have to follow the Rangers through good and bad. I don't know how the guy finds time to be a litigator, and apparently a pretty good one, because he knows as much about baseball as almost anyone on the Rangers payroll. And as with many bloggers, what's best about this situation is that he's sharing what he knows with the rest of us for free (at least for now; who would blame him if he wanted to charge a bit for what he knows and does).

Rick Wamre

I just ran across a 2004 Dallas Observer story about Newberg - I must have missed it the first time around. Here's a warning: It's kind of a long story, but it's not all about baseball, and if you have the time, it's worth reading.


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