Most of the news accounts I have seen say the that the City Council won't take up the Trinity referendum until Aug. 8 or Aug. 15. So why, in the council agenda for tomorrow's meeting (p. 6), is there an item entitled "Legal issues concerning the Trinity River Toll Road Petition," which will be discussed in closed session?
The state attorney general's frequently asked questions (p. 20) regarding the open meetings law say the council is allowed "to meet with its attorney to receive legal advice about pending or contemplated litigation or about settlement offers. The Attorney General has also concluded that a governmental body may meet with its attorney to receive legal advice on any matter."
Apparently, the council will discuss, in private, its legal options regarding the referendum. This could be as innocuous as asking for advice about when the referendum needs to be held. Or, and forgive me for being so cynical, will the council discuss using taxpayer money in a legal challenge to stop taxpayers from voting in the referendum?
Note to Jackie Floyd: Yes, you are gullible.
I just vomited a little in the back of my mouth. Don't you hate that?
Posted by: Nathan | Jul 31, 2007 at 11:23 AM