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Jul 29, 2007


Matt Wood

Its in the DMN http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/073007dnmettrinitypetition.c3f34628.html

Rick Wamre

One thing to clarify about the News article: The writer states that the referendum, if approved, will effectively kill the toll road since it could no longer be routed inside the levee. That is incorrect, as I understand the situation. Instead of killing the road, it will have to be relocated outside the levee, which supporters of the existing Trinity plans say will be so expensive as to effectively kill it. Those are two very different statements, in my opinion. And it begs the question: Does anyone really believe that any road project would be spiked solely based on cost? I hardly think so: If a public works project is deemed important enough by the powers that be, somehow, someone, somewhere manages to find the money from federal, state, city or private coffers to fund it (look at the signature bridge). No, this entire election will come down to two simple issues: 1) Do city voters prefer a major toll road inside or outside of the levee (or, if you prefer, through the middle of or away from the proposed park); and 2) Do city voters believe that the park, as planned and funded, is really worth "saving" by re-routing the tollway.

Michael Davis-Dallas Progress

Once again, Rick is ahead of the writers at the DMN.

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