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Sep 26, 2007


Michael Davis-Dallas Progress

One of the quotes from this article was warning that we were "unaware of what we were signing" That would be hard since every one who collected signatures had a copy of the referendum on their clipboard.

So we were unaware of what we were signing, yet voters knew exactly what they were voting for in 1998?

Of course!...it's not like anyone went to court to uphold a change in the language of the referendum...Maybe there really was a tollway in the levee in the 1998 brochures (there wasn't).

Need I say more?

I hate when people act like we're stupid just because we disagree with them. It's never enough to say "we support x on the ballot" There's always got to be some kind of b.s. behind it.

Typical. But thanks to some on the other side this has become more than a vote, it's whether or not we as a city are willing to make a statement that we are tired of business as usual and being told what to do by the super-rich. It's up to us now.


Well said, Michael. There's a small, powerful, very wealthy group of folks who want this thing. That's it. On the other side, you have the 80,000+ people who signed those petitions.

It's our city. We hold the real power. And come November, all those politicians currently hiding in Harlan Crow's back pocket will hear it loud and clear.

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