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Nov 27, 2007



Any description on the (teachers) attackers?
What local store at Mockingbird/Abrams was the robbery at?


Or head over to Jimmy's for a decent italian sub, although Jersey Mike's is very high on my sub list too.

Rick Casner

Police cars and TV cameras are outside Tom Thumb this afternoon as I type. I assume it is in response to the story in the DMN.


Also NY Sub on Asbury off Hillcrest - I've been going there since my SMU days, almost 30 years.


I didn't think Quizno's would last because they don't stay open late enough. I think they closed at 8:30 or 9:00. I think a lot of people go for a sub because it's too late for the restaurants.

Rick Wamre

I always liked Quizno's but thought it was over-priced. It was one of those places that I just couldn't bring myself to visit without some type of coupon. Plus, the owner/business had absolutely no local presence that I ever saw — no donations to school raffles, no free or reduced-price meals for neighborhood group meetings, etc.

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