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Jan 29, 2008



Please, correct me if I’m wrong but I think “Back Talk” is misinformed. In the summer of ’07 it was between Cintra and NTTA over who would continue on with the S.H. 121 toll road extension project. After much state and local drama the bid was awarded to NTTA. As part of the bid agreement, NTTA is responsible for paying the region $3.3 Billon. It would be my understanding that this is where the funds for fixing Northwest Highway come from. Not future toll fare because that money would go straight to NTTA in order to recoup their operating & construction costs and pay off the debt they took on as part of the bid process for 121 to begin with.


This is the price we pay for 15 years of "running government like a bidness".


No, this is the price we pay for twenty-five years of conservative Republican "governance," with its anti-tax, anti-government mantras. Situations like this are developing all over the country. You can follow this story at .


I left a link, but it didn't translate, so google "The Big Con" to follow this developing series of disasters.


Actually Lee, my point exactly. Why have we entrusted our government to people who hate the government?


Most of the 121 money will go to Denton and Collin Counties. Dallas will only get a sliver of the 121 pie, hardly enough to take care its intra-county transportation needs. TXDoT, Mr. Morris and Governor 39 percent are running our freeways into the ground so we will be ready to sell them to the highest bidder once we have become desperate enough. When designs are complete on the Trinity Parkway and the price tag is estimated we need to have a serious debate on how badly we need this road and whether we need to "rob Peter to pay Paul" i.e. toll Collin County and North Dallas drivers to pay for a road in a flood plain in Southeastern Dallas.

Bill Kennedy

Just great! The NW Hwy fix... a solution waiting forever again!

Jeff Siegel

Actually, I don't see this as a partisan political issue. Neither party has the stomach for paying for infrastructure repairs (witness Minnesota and the bridge collapse). That's why, as the late great Molly Ivins always said, it's up to use to remind them who they work for. I thought I remembered reading something about tolling local roads, and did find this: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/localnews/stories/121407dnmetmesquitehov.108fb1f9.html
"The I-30 lanes west of downtown eventually will reach Fort Worth and will become North Texas' first tolled HOV lanes sometime next year. Those lanes will be opened to solo drivers who pay a toll."


To say that an issue is "not a partisan political issue" is a common dodge conservatives use to evade responsibility for the damage their policies have wrought. When conservatives (meaning primarily, but not exclusively, Republicans) control the legislative and executive levers of power and implement their anti-tax- anti-regulatory, anti-government agendas, we all pay the price, as noted above.


Spot on, Lee. When conservatives are in charge, ineffective government becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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