From the headlines and the photos, some of you may have put two and two together and realized that we drew heavily from the classic romantic comedy “When Harry Met Sally” as inspiration for February’s cover stories.
There are many oft-quoted and reenacted scenes from Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal’s interactions in that movie, but my favorites have always been what I call “the couch scenes” interspersed throughout. Two people, often along in years, sit beside each other on a regal-looking couch with patterned wallpaper behind them (the same in each couch scene), and recount the story of how they met and fell in love. The movie ends with Harry and Sally on the same couch with the same wallpaper, telling their love story.
We tried to capture this in the way we wrote the stories, which basically didn’t require “writing” at all — just quoting the couple’s conversations in a way that captured their beautiful relationship. And in my opinion, photographer Can Türkyilmaz did himself proud with the couch portraits.
I hope your hearts were warmed as much as ours were. Happy Valentine’s Day.