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Feb 27, 2008


Norman Alston

To demand more efficiency, better planning and better management from DISD is appropriate because there is certainly evidence that there are many opportunities to do so. However, to withhold badly needed funding for school improvements because we don't trust them with use of the money is utterly absurd. We already trust them with the care, feeding and education of our children for at least 7 hours a day. How much more valuable are they than a little bond money?

eric rochester

It is a shame that people continue with the false sense of secuity by just throwing more monies at an issue, rather than making these stewards we have hired responsible. Shame on the politicians for not doing thier jobs in helping with innovative ideas. Their answer is nothing is wrong, everything is status quo. The system is and has been ripe with monetary abuses for more than a genereration. How can we expect this group of Administartors to be trusted with more funds when there are millions in missing and abused funds as we speak. I am all for a bond package once the present Administration has a transparent ledger. This should be available for the publics reveiw annually. Along with a clear and detailed accounting of where and when any new funds would be used. We all deserve a detailed plan from DISD on how to fix what we have inplace before we are asked to just feed the bigger monster. Where is the good faith in an explanation that things will be different.In good conscience I can not vote for the new bond package.Unfortunatley the loosers are the teachers and children. In my veiw they can thank Disd Administration for this sad condition. Not the tax payer.

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