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Feb 26, 2008


Bob Johnston

Gonna make the parking to drop off clothes even tougher! There is NO parking at all around there.

Matt Wood

When one of the plethora of banks fails/merges/moves - perhaps one of the drycleaners will move there and have a drive-up window.


Anyone know what the status is with the apartments next to the Central Market?


Do coyotes like gelato??? This could be bad news!


Anyone have updated information on whether Paciugo is still a go? I thought I saw a Paciugo banner on the store a month or two ago but there is not one there now. That makes me nervous.

Anyone know anything?


Rick Wamre

I'm pretty sure that construction on the Paciugo continues; they may just have taken the banner down as part of the construction. But I was by there last week picking up something from the dry cleaners next door, and contractors were still working on the building.


Thanks, Rick. That's very good news!

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