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Feb 10, 2008


Aren Cambre

This is a superb case for limited government.

When businesses screw up, they get trounced or go out of business.*

When the government screws up, it soaks taxpayers.

*Yes, that happens the vast majority of the time despite notable exceptions.


Actually, it's a superb case for Republicans in action. It's called "crony captitalism".

Norman Alston

Remember that we don't play chicken well, either, as evidenced by the handling of the Cowboys Stadium and Jerry Jones.

It's pretty well established that DCAD is the one place you don't want to refer to for 1) actual current market value of property and 2) the age of the improvements. Perhaps a knowledgeable reader in real estate can tell us what the market value per square foot is for downtown land near the Convention Center, for buyers who actually have options.

The Republicans in action comment is curious, given the sweet deal done for Forest City and the "flavor" of the City administration at that time. Also, let us not forget the skepticism surrounding Victory and whether any of that associated development would ever happen after the City ponied up on that one. It appears to be proving the potential value of public/private partnerships.


I nearly dropped my newspaper when I saw the $40 million price...perhaps this is one case where I might approve of eminent domain for the DCAD 'assessment'.

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