That's what a group of Vickery Place residents would like to see. They're circulating an email asking people to go to the Trader Joe's web site to fill out the chain's location request form.
Trader Joe's, for the uninitiated, is a Whole Foods-style grocery store that started on the West Coast. It's famous for its Two Buck Chuck wine, which costs $1.99 a bottle in California and $3.49 in this part of the country. Currently, the closest Trader Joe's are in Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
We've had several discussions of Trader Joe's here and here, as well as on our Lake Highlands blog. Residents up there would really like to see a Trader Joe's in the proposed Lake Highlands Town Center.
The catch with Trader Joe's on Greenville Avenue -- and why am I always the one who has to note these things? -- is that Whole Foods owns the lease for the property. And the guy handling the parcel told me Whole Foods won't lease to a grocery store, health store or vitamin store. Which seems to rule Trader Joe's out, regardless of what Trader Joe's wants to do.
How about a Homeless Resource Center or a crack house? That's what it will be when we lose Whole Foods and it remains a vacant storefront for a few years.
Posted by: Mark | Feb 13, 2008 at 10:39 AM