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Apr 29, 2008



If Meletio has been in Preston Forest since 1962 wouldn't that be a 46 year run and not a 26 year run? or is this Woodrow math at work?

Rick Wamre

OK, smart guy, thanks for pointing out my math error (I've since corrected it), but Woodrow can't be blamed since I (a Minnesota public school grad) was doing the math as opposed to having it done by our oldest son, a sophomore Wildcat who will certainly enjoy chastising me about the mistake. No, the error was caused by writing the post while also watching the Stars game last night, then posting it while watching Letterman's monologue. I'm sure there's a lesson in all of this for you budding bloggers out there ...


The lesson being...don't watch Letterman it dulls the brain.

The smart guys, as evidenced by 0 math errors in this post, watch Leno.

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