And the toll road itself, of course, should be called Belo Parkway (thanks, Norm Alston) after the company and the family that runs the paper.
Wamre sets out the city's plan below; you can find the finalists here. But each suggested name, no matter how spiffy, misses the point.
Dallas' Only Daily Newspaper played a key role in getting the referendum passed to save the toll road, and it should be rewarded. Renaming Industrial after Steve Ray Vaughan (and can't we do something better than that if we want to honor a pretty good guitarist?) misses the point. Calling Industrial the DMN Highway is payoff. Who needs a pretty good guitarist when we have a newspaper that successfully uses its news and comment pages to push its agenda?
And the paper is still doing it. In the story that lists the finalists, there is no mention -- none -- of the toll road that is going to go through the park and that caused such local anguish as well as a special election. How is that for consistency?
Of course, now I have an excuse to post Stevie Ray playing Texas Flood, courtesy of wash61 at Youtube. Granted, it's not as civically-minded as The News' video featuring Industrial Boulevard property owners talking about the subject, but that's the kind of guy I am: