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May 14, 2008


Sam Merten

A great idea, Jeff. However, if that were to happen, Dallas would be leaving a big part of the franchise's value behind--the Ballpark.

Why not use the money to build a stadium in downtown Dallas for a National League expansion team?

Matt Wood

I love this idea (even if offered by Jeff tongue-in-cheek). If I remember correctly, certain powers-that-be downtown (at least one of which is no longer an elected official for our fair burg)despised the thought of building anything for a privately-owned venture because the privately owned venture would make SO MUCH MONEY off the venue. Who could be against building something off of which the City could make SO MUCH MONEY? I wonder if Jerry's World had any trouble getting a privately owned owner/operator to agree to build a "Convention-worthy" hotel near his new Arlington venue?

We could all use a little more baseball . .


Dallas had it's shot at owning (or at least having) the Rangers in a downtown stadium. But thanks to the incompetency of then Mayor Bartlett (maybe the worse mayor in our history) he blundered and didn't want to hurt Arlington's feelings by going after a MBL team for downtown Dallas.

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