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May 30, 2008



I never thought Wellstone was a good fit for what the Marathon wants to do: become a well known national race. No one knows who Wellstone is, so they received more name exposure from the deal.

The rock is a great event as is, if they feel compelled to make it bigger they need a strong national or regional brand to hitch their wagon to. Preferably one with strong local ties; I've always thought Southwest Airlines would be a great fit.


How about Exxon-Mobil, they're local and obviously have a LOT of money sitting around.

Lee G.

Sure, Exxon-Mobil has lots of money. But they're also one of the most widely despised corporations in the world. Do you really want them associated with this event?


If Exxon Mobil is good enough for PBS (Public Broadcasting Services; they are responsible for Masterpice Theater support, it is certainly good enough for the WR Marathon.

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