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May 13, 2008


Jeff Siegel

Now, will everyone who was pouting about the new store (including the intrepid journalists at Jessica Simpson's favorite local magazine) stop holding their breath and come back to the dinner table?


I noticed the spot for paciugo seems untouched. I also spotted a sign advertising the place is available. What gives?

Rick Wamre

I spoke with April, who along with her husband Shaun owns the Lakewood Paciugo franchise, and she says construction is scheduled to start on the store within a month, and they're shooting for a late July/early August opening. She says that unexpected construction issues took awhile to iron out, but everything looks to be a "go" now and a banner identifying the spot as Paciugo should be up soon. In the meantime, April says she'll be catering Paciugo at the Shakespeare Festival of Dallas events this summer.


Thanks so much for the update!


Where is the Paciugo going to be?
I Haven't seen it.


Where is the outdoor seating? I don't see it in the drawings.

Rick Wamre

Three things:
1) Today, Whole Foods began installing a construction fence across one of the Gaston Avenue entrances to the parking lot, and I've seen a fair number of pickups in the lot and guys walking into and out of the building; presumably they're contractors assessing the project.
2) The Paciugo store will be located directly west of the WF parking lot in the building attached to Glo Cleaners, right next to the Professional Bank parking lot.
3) I don't know about the outdoor seating, but I'll try to find out.

Rick Wamre

An update on the outdoor seating at the Lakewood store from Whole Foods: The grocer's final plans are scheduled to be reviewed by the city in July, and there are still plans for outdoor seating, but they're dependent on city approval. So we'll know more later in the summer.

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