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May 07, 2008


Angela Hunt

I couldn't agree more with everything you've said here. Well said.


This is absolutly the dumbiest idea I have heard.

I think Leppert is too anxious to see bricks and mortars fly so he can claim his place in Dallas history.

Common sense tells me that if there is sufficent demand for a convention hotel, then the private sector will step up. Until then, Dallas needs to do common sense things to improve the quality of life for residents. A mega hotel on over-priced land is not in the public interst.


If the Dallas Convention Center is worth $1 billion, like the Mayor keeps saying - sell it for $500 million (half-price)to a hotel operator that agrees to build a hotel, too.

The City gains $500 million, instead of risking it and the Convention Center gets its hotel. The risk is transferred to the private sector, where it belongs.

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