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May 19, 2008


Michael Mosteller

My wife and I went last night. Brilliant show. Top 5 concert in my lifetime. Fake Plastic Trees is the first time I have ever seen a rock band and an audience completely connect.

To your parking questions, it really boils down to the residents around the Fair needing money, too few convenient spaces to park around the Fair, and why pass up a good thing when there is money to be had. The other neighborhoods you mention are well to do so they really don't need the extra income from selling parking spaces. I really can't wait for the DART rail line to open out to the Fair. It will make getting out of there so much easier.

Christina Hughes-Babb

Michael - glad to know there are fellow fans out there in Back Talk land — warms my heart. And it couldn't be more true — the Plastic Trees performance brought tears to my eyes!

Marc Scheinrock

Agree, great concert, the lighting was also amazing, really added to the whole experience. So yes, there are several Back Talk readers who are Radiohead fans.


Spectacular show, they kept getting better as the night went on.


I was there too and it was indeed a great show! I've been going to rock shows for about 30 years and this was right near the top. And yes, the lights and video were really great too, complimenting the music instead of distracting from it.

We parked for free in Expo Park and just walked through the fairgrounds to the concert. I agree with Michael that the Fair Park residents are making the best of the situation. I'm sure that it's not enjoyable for them to have their neighborhood invaded every few nights throughout the spring and summer but they might as well at least make some cash.

I can't imagine they appreciate the noise either. I can sometimes faintly hear shows at the Starplex (or whatever it is now) from my apartment in Munger Place, I can't imagine what it's like for the people that actually live near there.


Danced my brains out in the pit, so you're far from alone. I even did double duty and went to Houston too. And for the record i love your blog, so take whatever you can ascertain from the crossover there... :)

anyhow, i'd imagine that even if you were opposed to front lawn parking when you move into a neighborhood where it is commonplace, it you'll "when in Rome" (which is suppose id the same as, "if you can't beat 'em) it soon enough.

Kris Scott

I'm not a big Radiohead fan but what I've heard I've always been amazed by — really just haven't made the time to go out and get some of their stuff. Now I'm really bummed because a Colorado friend of mine who IS a huge fan talked about coming out for the show and us going together, but we didn't make it happen. Anyway, if you Back Talk Radiohead fans can make some suggestions of good tunes for me to download/CDs to buy, please do.

On a side note, the same friend did send my newborn a CD of Radiohead tunes turned into lullabies. It puts him right to sleep every time and I love it. The same cannot be said, of course, for probably 98 percent of lullaby CDs out there.

Glad everyone enjoyed the show so much. Next time for me ...

Michael Mosteller

Found this website the other day. Free MP3s of all their live shows. Dallas was just posted. Enjoy!


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