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Jun 02, 2008



AND, what's going in next door to Chili's? Lots of work underway.

Michael Mosteller

When is the city going to get around to doing something about the Garland and Buckner intersection? That may be some of the worst traffic in the entire town.

Glad to see a new tenant at Casa Linda. I'm anxious to see what else amREIT has coming in there.

The problem still remains the biggest space in the center is still sitting empty. Christina, can anyone see what is going on at the theater? Surely someone has shown some interest.

Judy Howard

I have been going to Massage Envy in Old Town on Greenville since it first opened. If you find the right massage therapist, you may discover that massage is the best thing you ever did for yourself. Different people specialize in various massage methods. Take advantage of a good thing Casa Linda folks!

Judy Howard


Guys, here's a great gift idea for your wife/girlfriend's birthday/anniversary/Christmas/get out of hot water - a six month or year prepaid membership for the "massage of the month club".

Christina Hughes-Babb

I too would love to be in on the plans for the theater. I've been calling Clay Evans of S.C. Companies (for anyone who doesn't know, S.C. Companies owns the theater while AmREIT has the rest of the plaza) on a regular basis for about a year and I always get the same answer ... they're talking to some good potential tenants but nothing's official. I'll probably go ahead and call him sometime this week but don't expect anything different!

Christina Hughes-Babb

As for all the other questions ... I'm working on it!


We are getting a BORDERS right next to Chili's in the Casa Linda Plaza.

Michael Mosteller

If true, cody, that is great news! I was wondering what the construction was the was going on at the spaces next to Chilis. Congratulations to amREIT if true. That is a huge win for the shopping center. The area has missed a bookstore since Waldenbooks left in the early 90s.


Found out yesterday that Sergio's Jewelry, Mail Boxes Etc., and Fat Daddy's Burgers are being allowed to stay in Casa Linda after about a year of the new owners trying to move them away. Sergio's is currently next to Lovers Pizza and will be moving one door down to a larger space. The sign for Message Envy is three doors away from Lovers Pizza not next door.

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