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Jul 23, 2008


Lakewood Resident

What is this ridiculous obsession with Whole Foods? A WEBCAM?! You're kidding. It's a GROCERY STORE! Sheesh.


Come on LR, this is a pretty big deal for the area. I'm not going to spend much time on the webcam, but it's nice to be able to see the progress of what's going to become a community focul point of this part of Lakewood. As to it being "just a grocery store", it's much much more than that. It's a fancy grocery store. It represents the march of gentrification (or actually re-gentrification) of southern lakewood, swiss ave, and even munger place.

People look at the progress of that store and what they see a rise in their property values!


A 100 years from now, neighborhood historians will be fascinated with the vintage video offered by the WF webcam.

I am guessing the web cam is placed on the roof of the Wells Fargo Building?


I think it's the most awesome thing ever created. Good job.


Ok, guys. It's not the second coming of Jesus, it's just a Whole Foods. I'm a little frightened of your obsession.

Bill Kennedy

Hey! A yellow school bus just went by there on Gaston.
And a blue Miata.
And a silver BMW 750i.
And a...


Can we get a zoom in on that kid in the parking lot?


Robert don't laugh - I've been looking at the old photos of Lakewood Shopping Center on the Dallas Public Library site:http://catalog.dallaslibrary.org/polaris/ - search

Too bad we didn't have a web cam back in the days of Doc Harrell.

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