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Aug 18, 2008



I agree. Great solution!


Ah, but what to name Industrial now that the cat's out of the bag?


Now that is funny! I wasn't expecting that at all. Very clever slight of hand.

Megan G.

Why don't we just rename President George Bush Tollway? That's a pretty unknown highway.

What a waste of time!!! Go to Mexico and name a street. Welcome to the United States -- Dallas North Tollway should remain the named the same.

Cheeto Bandito

Why RE-name anything? Why not name a NEW road or building after Cesar Chavez, if it is even that important to do so? Lord knows there is enough new construction and development in and around the metroplex.

If Dallas hispanics are so hell bent on having something named Cesar Chavez, we could always rename Parkland Hospital where so many immigrants have their children on our tax dollars. Or better yet, how about renaming Dallas Planned Parenthood? We could call it the Cesar Chavez Despite Your Religious Beliefs Having So Many Damn Babies Is Not Good For Our Community Or Our PLANET Center. Yeah, that has a nice ring to it.

Cheeto Bandito

To clarify... Megan G did not write the comment about Planned Parenthood, Cheeto Bandito did. The Bandito wants to make sure he gets full credit for his dos pesos.

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