Cops are enjoying a sunny day at the lake, ticketing cyclists (and cars of course) who ignore or roll through stop signs, according to a report on the DMN Crime blog. A good practice, no doubt — let's keep everyone safe out there.
But is the following commentary really necessary?:
The officer quoted in the post says, "No one can get along here. Cars hate cyclists; cyclists hate the walkers, and walkers hate the cyclists."
Talk about a Dark Cloud on a bright day. I'm sure the comment was in jest but come on, officer — we need to be fostering better feelings amongst the users of the lake, don't we?
Don't get me wrong, I actually think the police are on the right track —we need to raise awareness about rules and etiquette around the lake and encourage folks to follow it (if that means writing tickets, so be it). But being nasty to each other won't get anything accomplished and it certainly won't bring order to an increasingly crowded public park. Are there a lot of neighbors who share Officer Giron's jaded point of view? If so, there is something seriously wrong out there.
Sorry if it offends people but the officer speaks the truth.
Posted by: Alfredo | Aug 27, 2008 at 04:52 PM
This conflict has existed for years and isn't going to get any better any time soon. This is what happens when your goal is to make the Lake all things to all people. Refer back to the posts about the proposed lights and be reminded that the Parks Department is working hard to make the park available to more people, not less. Road, trails, parks and patience all have a finite capacity. White Rock may already be beyond that capacity in each of those categories.
And watch the Sante Fe trail. It is specifically designed by the State's premier road builders (TxDOT) to get the maximum number of bikes down to the water's edge.
If you want some insight, follow the link in the story and read the posted comments. Especially see the one signed by MSP DTX. That one tells you all you need to know about some of the folks on two wheels.
Posted by: Norman Alston | Aug 27, 2008 at 06:10 PM
Let's see. . .pouty waitresses who ignore you, TV newscasters who address the concerns of their mass audience rather than your personal situation, cops whose actions you support but who are too snarky for your delicate sensibilities. . .Are you trying to be the blog's Jacquielynn Floyd or does it just come naturally to you?
Posted by: Farinata X | Aug 27, 2008 at 07:00 PM
I agree with the previous commenter in that the officer quoted here wasn't directing "sarcasm" to anyone in particular. He was merely offering his (accurate, I believe) assessment of the way things are at the lake, an assessment he is well qualified to make. I don't see what you want to accomplish by singling this officer out for this undeserved criticism.
Posted by: Lee Gibson | Aug 27, 2008 at 07:26 PM