I've been out of town for a week, so progress on the Whole Foods site hasn't been on my radar. But now that I'm back, it looks like it was a productive week — about six "portholes" have been punched in the hitherto all-brick facade on the Richmond Avenue side of the building, and there's lots of activity in the front of the store today, with several dirt-moving trucks parked out front and some of the original brick facade where the Minyard's sign originally hung being taken down. To see for yourself, click here.
On another Whole Foods topic, here's an interesting piece in the New York Times (forwarded by one of our readers, Alex Winslow) about how Whole Foods is trying to convince people that the moniker "Whole Paycheck" isn't fair, given that the economy has caused about 20% of us to change where we shop (going for a less-expensive place) and how the drive to buy organic seems to be leveling off or diminishing, too ...
Posted by: Rick Wamre | Aug 04, 2008 at 10:14 AM