The spillway project is slated to begin this October and will take about two years, according to plans. On Sept. 22, For The Love of The Lake will host a neighborhood meeting to "Environmental Impact of the White Rock Lake Spillway Re-Design".
According to BJ Ellis, who sent us an e-mail about the upcoming meeting, speakers include: White Rock Lake resident naturalist and wildlife biologist Becky Rader, aquatic biologist Rafe Brock, fish biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., City of Dallas project manager Cassia Sanchezand City of Dallas Councilman Sheffie Kadane. The meeting is free and open to the public.
As for the other side of the lake, there’s been some progress on the trails along the northwest corner of White Rock Lake and it’s great. For a few weeks there, I met with a cloud of dirt and dust under the bridge at Mockingbird near Lawther every time I went running along that route. But now there is a sidewalk—a real, smooth, wide sidewalk. What appears to be a stone enclave complete with water fountain is almost finished just north of the bridge too.