Welcome to a new, regular feature from those of us at the Advocate whose only wish for our readers is that they get as little as possible done on Friday afternoons. Every Friday, this post will direct you to a website where you can wile your afternoon away. More than likely, the site will direct you to play some cool online game or watch a funny video. But not always ...
And that's the case today. Today we bring you someecards.com.
It's not politically correct. It's sometimes crass. But I can almost guarantee something on this site will make you laugh out loud. It's a collection of e-cards that don't have animated rainbows, fluffy animals and/or lame jokes popping up. You can send these cards to your friends (or enemies ... yeah, it's that kind of site) free of charge.
Enjoy. And if you have a Friday Productivity Killer that you'd like to recommend, send it my way: [email protected]