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Oct 29, 2008


East Dallas Native

I agree with you also. There should be NO business relationships by board members/family with DISD.

We shall see exactly how clueless the board is if they accept nothing less.

This time is very frustrating for us who love and support excellent schools which have the burden of being under the DISD (leaky) umbrella.


"Husbands and wives cannot work in the same department, but Trustees can have DISD contracts? Senior staff can't live outside of DISD boundaries because of the message it conveys,..."
I assume you were being sarcastic, since both of these policies were basically made irrelevant to DISD execs by the "Rules are for thee, but not for me" crew.

Richard H. Vitale


One item that I would ask you to consider- currently (and for the foreseeable future) the City of Dallas’ Ethics Policy is so restrictive, that it prevents many of our senior leaders in the community from being (a) appointed to a City Board Committee and/ or (b) elected to City Council or the Office of Mayor.

As an example, lets just say that Mr. / Mrs. X, is tapped by his / her Councilmember for a City Board appointment. Lets further assume that Mr. / Mrs. X’s employer is a vendor of the City of Dallas. Even though the candidate has no influence or involvement with the City’s vendor contract or service that is provided (ie. they are in a different department), this senior community leader is unfortunately unable to accept the Board appointment. It would be talent wasted.

Conversely, because DISD’s ethics policy is not as restrictive, the same community leader would have the opportunity to formally share their expertise, passion and vision by possibly running for DISD School Board.

Many of our leaders in North Texas just happen to work for many of the Brands that we rely on for our basic services. It would be a shame to disqualify a passionate volunteer just because they work for an established organization, who just happens to have a contract with DISD.


Norman Alston

Richard, I understand very well how the City of Dallas Ethics Policy can influence someone's decision to serve, having personally been appointed twice to City commissions and having had City of Dallas contracts. I simply had to manage them so that they didn't overlap. Please note, however, that most of the board and commission positions are filled and that there seems to be little shortage of candidates for elected office. I've never personally heard any comments suggesting this policy was a problem for the City, nor am I aware of any initiatives to overturn it. The overriding issue here, as I see it, is that the current state of affairs at the Dallas ISD and the recent track record of mismanagement would seem to dictate that neither a true conflict of interest nor even the appearance of one is in the District's best interest. To take such a stand would require leadership, and leadership is what the District so desperately needs right now.

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