I have had it with the selfishness of Dallas drivers.
Along Northwest Higway between West and East Lawther, there is a break in the median opposite from the Dallas Park and Recreation building where eastbound drivers can turn left and go north. I make that turn often because I walk with a friend in White Rock Valley, just north of Flag Pole Hill, and because the left-turn green arrow at West Lawther never lasts long enough. I am conscious of the fact that I am turning from a busy road on which drivers are traveling at speeds of 45 or 50 mph (or higher), so I try to make the turn as quickly as I can.
This morning I made the turn as usual, flipping my blinker on a good 10-15 seconds before the turn, and careening into the median break. As I did this, the driver behind had the gall to not just honk, but blare on his horn for the entirety of my turn and then some. I was not breaking any traffic laws; my only offense as far as I could tell was slowing down the car behind me. And I've got news for you, Dallas drivers: being inconvenienced is not an offense that warrants honking.
It bothers me that this attitude of intolerance for people slowing down and turning is becoming more and more common. It happened to me a second time recently as I was making a right-hand turn at a red light, and had the nerve, apparently, to look to make sure I wouldn't be hit by oncoming traffic. I'm sorry, but I value my life and the lives of other drivers who have the right-of-way more than I value your commute time.
The worst part is that the honking often happens after I've begun turning, and because it's usually a long, blaring honk as opposed to a brief blast, it freaks me out and makes me look every which way to make sure I'm not about to hit someone or something. That is not a safe thing to do while you're making a turn, especially a quick turn out of respect to the drivers behind you. If I ever have an accident because I'm trying to avoid an accident because some idiot driver behind me is losing five seconds of his precious commute time, so help me God ...
Same people who think that they have a God given right to go 15-30 mph over the speed limit and then tailgate and swerve closely in front of those at or near the speed limit. I generally catch up with them at the next light.
Posted by: lee | Oct 09, 2008 at 09:22 AM
So true Lee...
This is also why there are so many (often fatal) accidents along that stretch of Northwest Highway (from Abrams to Buckner).
If you selfish jerks need more time to get to work then LEAVE EARLIER...or better yet, do your environment and everyone's health a favor and take public transportation.
Posted by: Quentin Mendoza | Oct 09, 2008 at 10:09 AM
At least you used your turn signal - what is it with people who never use them? Once mine went out and I was a nervous wreck until it was fixed. I even used the old hand signals.
The worst offense I see these days is crossing 2-3 lanes over to suddenly make a turn or enter/exits on a ramp -- NO SIGNAL!
I try to attribute it to people who are lost. But they are probably on the phone.
I'm glad I don't have to drive up north very much!
Posted by: JKR | Oct 09, 2008 at 11:19 AM
An hour or so after Keri posted this, I was going west on Lovers at Greenville. The light was green, but there was a fire truck coming north on Greenville, sirens going. It was impossible to miss it. So two cars went right through the light in what was not only one of the most selfish jerk things I've ever seen, but one of the most dangerous.
Posted by: Jeff Siegel | Oct 09, 2008 at 12:32 PM
This springs from the same well as some of the bicycle fatalities over the summer. People are so impatient that even the most minor delay (slowing to make a turn) angers them. Imagine the fury when having to slow down behind a cyclist doing 20 mph. If only they can squeeze by within a sideview mirror width of the cyclist, that'll show 'em to stay off the road and save at least 10 seconds. I don't know what has to change in our culture to make people more patient, responsible, and courteous.
Posted by: Matt | Oct 09, 2008 at 06:04 PM
Right on red? Isn't it the law that you must stop before proceeding? I frequently use the Lakeland/Garland Road intersection and almost every day I see someone on Lakeland turning right on red to go north on Garland Road despite a sign directly in front prohibiting such turns. It's a silly little sign though, on the opposite side, and very easy to miss! Unfortunately drivers on Garland Road frequently exceed the 40 mph speed limit so there are many accidents/near misses. In fact I can hear them from my garden - I hate hearing the brakes and then flinching, waiting for the inevitable honking or - even worse - crunch of metal.
Posted by: Scarletti | Oct 10, 2008 at 06:34 AM