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Nov 05, 2008



Too bad they won't put in a playground, like the one in Plano. What a great thing that could be for parents.


East Dallas isn't Plano, and thank heaven they didn't put a playground in!


I'll second that, Robert! That place is already crazy enough (but great) without adding a playground!


I know we East Dallasites like to turn our noses up at Plano, but I do believe the ORIGINAL Central Market in funky Central Austin has a playground. I think it would have been a great idea, but I'm not sure that location has anywhere on their lot to easily fit one in.

Norman Alston

Just how does the playground thing work? Who's watching the kids? If Mom/Dad is watching the kids and not shopping, then why are that at the store? Surely people don't leave the children unattended in the playground while they grocery shop, do they?

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