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Nov 06, 2008



Are your CLOWN SUITS handy????

If you have had enough of Hinojosa's Regime and incompetent Board Members.....Attend the protest today at the DISD RETREAT!

10 to 11 am, Saturday - November 9, 2008
2909 Buckner Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75228

Let the voices of Dallas be heard! Wear your Halloween Costume or a mask if you are afraid of retaliation....either way.....just show up!

DISD Administration and the Board of Trustees needs to see a united force of "NO CONFIDENCE" coming from citizens, parents, students and teachers!

If you don't have it in you to participate in the protest, then just drive by and BLOW your HORN to signify that you agree....NO CONFIDENCE!

The protest will be on Buckner Blvd between Fergusson Road and Jim Miller Road very near where Peavy Road intersects Buckner and just off of I-30!

Now is the time for all of Dallas to say "enough is enough"!

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