If you pay attention to city politics, even halfway, you've probably heard the recent ruckus over Jenny the Elephant in the Dallas Zoo. Rick Wamre blogged about the kerfuffle in July and followed up in August, and Lakewood/East Dallas columnist Jeff Siegel took the opportunity to write about Jenny (and all of the other things he thought the Dallas City Council should be spending its time on) in September's issue.
Jenny received broad news coverage, which included reports by The New York Times and the CBS Evening News, but I think that Preston Hollow resident Skip Hollandsworth told the story best in this month's Texas Monthly. He managed to invoke both humor and empathy as he described the various characters involved in the saga, everyone from Concerned Citizens for Jenny founder Margaret Morin ("a soft-spoken, middle-aged registered nurse from the suburb of Richardson" who is "hardly an animal rights activist") to an in-person plea to the Council from actress Lily Tomlin ("'Her one chance to live in peace,' Tomlin intoned in a serious voice, (not her 'one ringy-dingy' voice)") to Jenny herself. It's a great read with evenhanded coverage.