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Nov 11, 2008


Audubon Barbi

Run faster. Cross the street. It's not just the cormorants pooping in the trees, it's also the robins and the grackles (!) and the chicadees and the swallows. Shall we ban them too? How about runners that ate beans for lunch?

Cormorants aid the lake biology by feeding on what's in it. They are beneficial. Bird poop doesn't kill trees. If it did, the Amazon rain forest would have been dead 500 years ago. So would the Great Smokey Forest. It gets washed off by the next rain. What remains is harmless. The city's complete disregard for tree care is what kills trees there. Like compacting their root system for the past 8 months while they rebuilt the trail for all those bean-eating runners.

Bob Loblaw

Beside stinking, it's dangerously slippery,--particularly when their is a little moisture on the ground,--particularly when you are riding a bicycle. I've never slid-crashed into stinky bird poop, but I'm sure someone has, and more will.

Even if you don't crash, riding or walking through it when there is moisture on the ground is almost too disgusting to imagine. I hold my breath and squint my eyes, but when the stink goes for a block on either side of the main problem, it's futile. I wonder about those people who live in the million dollar houses very close to the area.

I'm all for nature, but people deserve a little space too. And this isn't the Rocky Mountain National Forest, it's 3 miles from downtown Dallas.

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